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ESAA 2021 National Specialty (Sept, 2021)
*Grayson finishes his Rally Intermediate (RI) title which qualifies him for this VES2 title
*Stetson gets his first RI leg and his 2nd Senior Hunter (SH) leg
*Zenna gets her third Junior Hunter leg (JH)
*Grayson takes a judges award of merit at the PSESC regional specialty following the national
October, 2021
*Zander finishes his RI title qualifying him for his VES2 title
February 2022
*Olivia is pregnant! Our Oliver x Olivia puppies are due at the end of March. See our "litters" page for more pics/info
March 25, 2022
*The Oliver x Olivia puppies have arrived. 3 boys and 2 girls.
April 30, 2022
*Zenna finishes her Junior Hunter title
June, 2022
*Quigley finishes his championship with several regular group wins/placements and owner-handler group wins/placements. He now has his NOHS bronze.
*Zenna picks up some points, takes a G4 and OHG1
August, 2022
*Zenna gets winners bitch/Best of opposite sex (over 4 bitch specials) at Olympic KC shows for a 4 point major
*Stetson takes Select Dog at Rainier Sporting dog specialty and PSESC speciality for two 4 point Grand Ch majors
*Quigley is in the top 20 English Setters Owner-Handled
April, 2023
*Lark gets her Junior Hunter title with 4 straight passes.
September, 2023
*Stetson finishes his Senior Hunter title!!
June, 2024
*Stetson finishes his Master Hunter title and his Grand Championship!!!
*Wren gets 2 majors in at the Fargo-Moorhead KC shows
*Lark gets a major at the Fargo-Moorhead KC shows
*Zenna gets a Major and finishes her championship at the FMKC shows.
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